
August Excitement

So besides anxiously awaiting for the arrival of this baby (one week till "D" day) we have been busy with a few other things such as Hunter wrapping up his 3rd session of Taekwondo.  In this video he is doing part of his test that led him to receive his yellow belt at the end of class.  Great job Hunter!  

Also, I was the epidome of the clutzy 9 month pregnant woman and took a bit of a fall Sunday night which left me with two sprained ankles.  Yes, BOTH of them!  I spent the first 48 hours totally off my feet and icing my ankles as much as I could bare it.  Thanks to plenty of family and friends helping that was even possible.   To get around I would be on my hands and knees with garden pads over my knees.  Not a pretty picture.  I semi-graduated to crutches, but my pregnant body is so dang heavy that it was very dificult to manage when swinging BOTH feet.  Nice huh?  Anyhow, thanks to a blessing Ryan gave me the night of my fall I am doing incredibly well at this point.  I am walking (with baby steps) unassisted by other means than my ankle braces.  Yeah!  Now I feel comfortable to go ahead and have this baby again.    =)


Sara Ann said...

What?! Both ankles? That stinks. Too bad you don't live closer to me, I would have lent you my cute pink crutches!

Tamara said...

I'm so sorry C. I wish I lived closer. Love you so much. I'll show that video to Ethan. Congrats to Hunter!

Leslie said...

poor thing. i hope you are doing better now. let me know when this baby makes its way into this world. :)
good luck, love ya.
leslie *

Stilovich Family said...

Oh, I am so sad I was not there to help you! I am glad you are feeling better.
Tell Hunter we watched the video and Jaecie loved it. He is so dang cute!

Maike said...

Girlfriend...both ankles?! I'm sorry. Hope the baby comes soon.

alison said...

hope by now that your ankles are all better and that the baby is on its way--little kid needs to be nice to mom and just get born!

Ponczoch Family said...

Could it get any worse? Wow. How is the healing process going?