
Dog Days of Summer

I'm a few weeks behind... But I'm not beating myself up too much with as much as we've had going on. Our house is still on the market. Unfortunately there has not been very much traffic and we decided to list it for rent and see what kind of response we got from that. Within two days of listing we had to couples very interested in renting. I'm not really bothered which direction we go. I figure as long as the mortgage gets paid that's all that matters! Of course the difference is that we won't be able to buy a new home in Hawaii if we don't sell right now and get our equity out of it. On the other hand, we may not want to buy anything there. We already know that we will rent for about 6 month to a year just to check things out.

So here it is, another Sunday afternoon and I'm finding that I have a few minutes to work on the blog. We had Stake Conference this morning which meant we had the entire afternoon to ourselves! I even squeezed in a NAP- the first time in FOREVER!!

My baby, Kolea is getting so big. She will be 1 year old in two weeks! But I wanted to post her 11 month old pictures b/c she's so pretty. =)

I just love how her eyes are off set by the blue pillows behind her. She's silly.
Next, came my dad's 61st birthday! Mom had already left for Utah (for Emily's upcoming baby shower) so we kids treated him to our favorite Mexican Restaurant, 3 Margaritas! They always treat us like kings when we go there- and this time was no different. Happy Birthday Dad!
August 1st was Emily's twin baby shower. It was a lot of fun to have all of the girls together. I even left all three of my kids home with Ryan (thanks honey, I love you!) This is a diaper cake that Tamara made. She is so dang creative!
We went swimming at Tamara's pool the night before the shower. Where is Tam?? She's home working away of course! Doing things like that cute diaper cake! We missed you in this pic Tam. But thanks for putting us all up at your house so we could all be together!
I made this! Ryan gave me a fruit bouquet for our last anniversary and I'd saved everything. I thought it would be fun to recreate for Emily's shower. It wasn't as pretty as the original, but I think it turned out quite well. And it was fun!
OK, so I don't know about the rest of you but we've been having a crazy and semi-cool summer with all of the rain we've had. Nearly every afternoon we get a bit of a storm. And I don't mean just a low key sprinkling, I mean a storm!

This particular afternoon we were at the park and didn't make it home (running) before these huge raindrops began to fall. The kids were already wet so they decided to dance in the rain- and get soaked! Kolea and I watched from the safety and dryness of the garage! You've heard of "singing in the rain?" This is dancing in the rain by the Hitz children. Check out my photographic timing!And now we've moved to the street where they can really splash around!
OK... Noodles? Really guys? And Gabriella decided that she wasn't wet enough yet.
And there we have it. The final end to our progression of "how wet and disgusting can I get?" Although you've got to admit, it's pretty funny. Do you see how black it is around her? Gross! I made the kids strip in the laundry room and then run naked up to the shower. This may be TMI but Gabriella had grass clippings washing out of her bum!! Ha!
I love Sundays when my children are clean and in their Sunday Best. I was lucky enough to catch this-- the cutest picture ever! SISTERS! Ya gotta love 'em. Don't forget to tell your sister how much you really love her!
Silly kids. =)
We end on this note- bath time. Kolea used to HATE (yes with a capital H-A-T-E) bath time. It wasn't until I forced her into the pool over and over this summer that she lightened up and now LOVES (yes all capitals here too) it! The other night she was nasty from dinner so I stripped her down and put her in the tub. Then Hunter came along with his fudgescicle and Kolea took it over.
Yay! Happy, fun, wet... BATH TIME!


The Woolley's said...

Those are awesome pictures! You are such a great mom to just let them be kids! The baby shower was so great, I wish I hadn't been late and didn't have to leave so quickly, but it was still awesome! And fun to see all of the Lynn Wilkey Women together.

Jenna Davis said...

Gabriella Is SUPER SUPER TAN! ITs so cute to see how big Kolea is! I miss you guys and hope all is well. Who knows maybe in 4 years we will both live in Hawaii!

Amanda said...

Those are fun pics and that is great of you to just let them have fun in the rain! Sorry I didn't get to the shower, life was crazy then (okay, when is it not?) Good luck with your house!

Tamara said...

Ok sister...I'm telling you I love you! GREAT pictures! The Singing in the Rain one is the best! I'll have to show Ethan tomorrow morning!