

Remember this cute kid?
He says some pretty funny and off the wall things every once in a while...

Yesterday on the drive to school the children were talking about where they were born. I told them they were all born in Colorado.

Hunter pipes up, "but not River. He was born in Hawaii...

... he's brown."

Hahahahahaha! So there you have it. Evidently, little River is now Polynesian b/c he was born here in Hawaii. If only it worked that way. Once a Haole (how-lee) always a Haole. In other words- if you be white. They ain't no changin the fact. You cain't be bon in Hawaii and call yo-self a Hawaiian. Nuf said.

Hunter said something else today.

Only this time it wasn't so funny.

He learned the "F" word.

"The queen mother of dirty words. The F, dash, dash, dash word..." as he says on A Christmas Story.

Hunter learned it from his friend, although he didn't know it was such a bad word.

Well, now he knows.


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