Of course in September I actually packed up my house (and then cleaned it) and watched another family move right in the day after we'd cleared out. Goodbye home. Although we are renting our home to a great family, we feel that we'd never move back (to that home.) So we moved in with my in-laws for a month while our stuff (that's including my computer with all of my pictures) sat in a huge shipping container as it made its way by slow boat across the Pacific.
And then there is the month of October. The first half of the month we were still at the in-laws. It was actually a great transition for us, living out of a few bedrooms b/c once we actually boarded a plane to Hawaii (October 15th) and got here, we ended up being homeless for a week. And by Hawaii's standards, we REALLY WERE homeless. We were hotel (motel, Holiday Inn... haha I always think of that song) hopping which means we were homeless. So that was an experience. But the Lord must have wanted to teach us something... Anyhow, when we finally got those dirty, rotten scoundrels to deliver our goods we were more than ready to live in our home. At 1700 square feet our home felt HUGE to us which we didn't expect coming from Colorado where our home was more than double the size (finished)! So like I said, living in the close quarters we had with being at the in-laws and hotel hopping, this was great!
Suddenly November is upon us and we are busy trying to make heads or tails of a schedule; get used to Hunter in Kindergarten all day (only four days a week b/c they don't have enough money in the system for kids to go on Fridays); find out that there is no room in any pre-school for Gabriella; try to organize a house, explore our surroundings, and make friends all at the same time (in a ward where we are one of 3 families who have 3 children- and Hunter is the oldest out of the 9 kids in Primary.) WHEW!!! Talk about busy.
So I guess what I'm trying to say is... be patient with me as I try to get this thing updated. I know I am so far behind! So I gave you a little treat and posted this picture which is at Shark's Cove on the famous North Shore. It's a giant tide pool full of awesome little fish. It's fun to snorkel in! I took this with my iPhone and it's not too shabby! The person you see in the middle of the pic is Ryan's younger bro, Skyler. He and his parents were visiting (for two whole weeks) while we were involved in conferences and meetings at BYU-H. Oh yeah, those kept me busy too. But that is another story for another day...
And I thought I was busy! Wow what an adventure, it still is so awesome and unreal that you are really living there! I can and can't wait for more pictures!
Hey Sissy,
When did you post that fantastic picture of your kids at the top? Did mom take that? That is really an amazig picture!! Thank goodness for Skyping to keep our kids in touch. Ethan asked the other day when "we'll have enough money for our whole family to go on a plane to Hawaii!" Awww! We're trying! Love you!
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