
Fun With Friends

A few weeks ago our friends, The Crane Family came to Hawaii on Spring Break. They spent only a few days on Oahu before heading to Kauai but we got to spend a super fun day catching up and seeing the sights!

Here we are at Castles Beach. Currently this is our favorite spot to go boogie boarding. A must if you come on vacation to see us!
It was a little breezy for Cosette and I so we chilled in our beach chairs and played with Kolea. This is how she says "CHEEEESE" these days.
Kids drying off and warming up, enjoying their tootsie pops!
Ali did NOT want to smile for the picture so Cosette was trying to make her! Ha!
After some fun warming up at our house- we all drank hot chocolate. Gabriella and Ali took a bath, Hunter and Zack played the Wii, Madi lounged in the hammock while reading her book and Ryan showed Josh and Mark (Bishop) how to paddle board. Cosette and I basically did the mom thing making sure everyone else was happy ! =) I swear, moms work harder than ever when they are on vacation!!

We decided to go to Haleiwa, a cute little surf town, for dinner. The girls all wanted to ride in our car and Hunter rode with the boys in the Crane's car. They were all so cute! We'd just washed Gabriella's hair and it was still soaking wet so it's up in a hair towel- no it's not normal for our 4 yr old to go out in public wearing a turban. Ha!
This was the sunset on our drive to Haleiwa. It was GORGEOUS! And just think, I snapped this pic while going about 25 miles an hour. It would've been even better if we'd been able to stop and get out for a minute-- but we were starving so we just enjoyed the sunset from the car this time.
After a filling dinner of PIZZA at Spagatini's we got the most D-lish ice cream at Scoops of Paradise. We got lucky and got in right before the huge rush!
Kolea did NOT want help holding her ice cream cone. She like to do it all by herself!
Thanks Crane Family for playing with us that day!! It was fun and refreshing to see and be with friends from Colorado. We sure miss you guys- you are such a wonderful family! We can't wait to come play this summer when we're there visiting. =)

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