
Nighty Night

I have tons to blog about between updating you on River and how big he's getting, as well as Halloween! But this is a short, simple blog. And it's what's been going on here.

Last night (Halloween) Kolea was playing in her baby pack 'n play. We told her it was bedtime and she climbed in, wanting to go to sleep in it.
Well, it didn't happen. But she was cute.

Then, this afternoon (Nov. 1) I put her to bed for nap time. After a little while I went to check on my sleeping babe.

What is wrong with this picture?

Where did my child go?

Found her.
She is everything a spunky two year old should be... and MORE.


Mike & Aubrey Janowicz said...

that is so hilarious and cute!!

Courtney said...

so funny....kids are so funny.

miss you.