
Crazy Hair Day

Today Hunter had "Crazy Hair Day" at pre-school.  He wanted me to spike it up, but his hair is REALLY LONG.  So this was the best thing I could come up with.  It took me a half hour and plenty of moose and hair spray.  Hunter was very patient through the process and was really excited to have his hair sprayed black at the end!  
Of course his hair is so white that his hair doesn't even look very "black" in these pictures!
He really had the craziest hair out of all the kids in his pre-school class, considering he looks like he is wearing a ski bini on his head-- how can anyone say this isn't "crazy!"


The Woolley's said...

That is Awesome! Pretty crazy faces too!

Sara Ann said...

Holy Cow! That is awesome!

Tamara said...

I can't believe how much more he looks like you with the dark hair! Love it! And Ethan says "That is sooo funny that he preschool would do that!" And he also says (quite randomly) that when Hunter sells his bunkbed then he can get one like his (Ethan's) someday. (I think I sell too many things in this house!)

Leslie said...

oh man, that IS crazy hair.

Jyl said...

Chandra!!! How the heck are you mission buddy!? I am so glad you found my blog so that I could find you! Your family is sooo darn cute! your kids look so much like you to me, how precious are they! Your new baby is adorable! It looks like you are all happy and healthy and how can you ask for more! well, I added you as a friend on my blog, so now we can continue to check in on each other! I love your blog!

Ponczoch Family said...

Haha... too cute! You are such a fun mom to get his hair just how he wanted it.