
Halloween Festivities- Better Late Than Never

Those of you in Fort Collins know that each Halloween we have an annual Pumpkin Carving Party at our house. Last year, we moved to Hawaii on October 15th and unfortunately we didn't have any friends to invite over for a party! So this year we made up for it- BIG TIME!

See all of our yummy treats? I was so impressed that everyone went all out!

Here's another view- as well as some of the fun pumpkin carving happenings!

I'm not kidding- we meant business!

You go ladies! Carve those pumpkins!

Much of the men-folk babysitting. Good times!

Some of the fine ladies helping out in the kitchen. We were washing pumpkin seeds, preparing them for roasting...

I had the brilliant idea to use our salad spinner to spin off most of the water, to quicken the drying process. It was a great plan until I took my hand off the lid for ONLY a split second - and that's when it happened...

Pumpkin seeds FLEW out of the salad spinner going 95 miles an hour in a 360 degree radius. It was INSANE! And completely hilarious. I'd trashed the ENTIRE kitchen area with pumpkin seeds. Too bad we were all too busy laughing- and then cleaning up to think about taking a picture of it. :(

Thanks everyone for celebrating with us- we had a blast!

Hunter and Gabriella got dressed and ready for school on Friday, 10/29 to walk in their Halloween Parade. Hunter wanted to be a vampire. And I'm all about the costumes you put together. I think he looks great! Gabriella was my sweet angel and looked so pretty!

On Saturday, 10/30 we were lucky enough to live in a community where they wanted to celebrate Halloween a day early! We decided to slick back Hunter's hair this time and thought he looked much more the part. :) Gabriella is hilarious with her "no-teeth" smile.

Where is Kolea? She is being her ol' two year old self and not cooperating. She did not want to dress up or be in any picture. WHAT??

So here is our family of SIX! Kolea is wearing the dress I'd put her in that morning. Since she would put on her witch costume I found bunny ears and a tail in our Halloween bins and craftily put them on her! Hehehe- the sneaky things we parents do! So her little dress worked out to be a cute costume after all.

Ryan was a sport and dressed up as a Mexican "football" sports fan. I am obviously Pippy Longstocking (as if you couldn't tell by the hair.) Unfortunately we couldn't get things timed right with River for when he was awake and changing him- so he's in a boring ol' onesie. That's OK. We have many Halloweens to come!

See Kolea's cute little cotton-tail? She is adorable! When she's not acting like the devil that is... and I say that with as much love a mother can have for her darling little basket-case of a two year old! Ha!

Some fun costumes I wanted to showcase. Our friends, Axle and Jenny. They won our ward's costume contest AGAIN this year! Way to go guys!

The zebras are my bro-in-law and sis-in-law, David and Danielle. She has THE MOST BEAUTIFUL hair in the world. I covet (k, not covet- maybe envy) her hair. They used "hair glue" to try and make it stand up like a mane!! I forgot to ask them how long it took to wash out...

And my friend, Rachel. She was Glinda- the Good Witch of the North (?) I think it's the north... time to watch Wizard of OZ again. :)

Happy Halloween everyone! Or should I say, Thanksgiving??

I'm so out of it. We even blessed River the other day and I forgot to tell (or remind) my entire family. I think four kids have sufficiently killed enough of my brain cells and I should quite while I'm ahead...

I swear, any more kids and you might as well call me a vegetable.


Heidi said...

That looks fun! Luke is a party pooper with dressing up, and I don't like to do it on my own. Maybe one year I'll convince him...

Rhitzclan said...

Heidi- Ryan is on again, off again with dressing up. It's taken MANY years of coercing... :)

Ryan and Camille said...

Holy freak! Did you cut your hair off?! Is that you scooping out the pumpkin in the Down East shirt? It sure looks like you - massive biceps and all. How did I not know about this? Do you have a twin with short hair? I'm very confused. The party looks fun, though! Lots of yummy treats!