
My Belly & Me

I awoke this morning. Donned my "exercise" clothing (really the only things that will fit right now) and thought I need a picture of my belly.

And these pictures are the result. Let me first explain the LACK of clothing; I own an eliptical and it's in the privacy of my own home. OK, enough judging and on with the pictures...

Did I mention I'd JUST woken up? I sleep with my hair in a braid every night so it doesn't fly all over my face. I hate that. So that's why I'm looking totally awesome.

I'm nearly 35 weeks pregnant. I weigh more than what I did when I delivered BOTH Hunter and Gabriella. And I'm right at the weight when I delivered Kolea. So according to my weight gain, I should be having this baby NOW! But I'm not that lucky.

At my 34 week appointment this week I was told I was measuring 37 weeks along. They've ordered an ultrasound to be done soon...
Hunter grabbed the camera and snapped this... I love that it's all blurry! What a good little photographer he is! See, I told ya I have an eliptical...
I've been feeling TONS of Braxton Hicks contractions and mild pressure... also, starting in last night were the lower back aches. I keep thinking maybe soon!

But then today I remembered a conversation I'd had with my mom the night I went into labor with Kolea. She'd asked me how I was feeling and if I'd been feeling lots of contractions. I simply answered, "yep, but I've been feeling this way for WEEKS now and it's always the same thing. So who knows when this baby will come..." She came about 7 hours later (on her due date.) The point is: I realized that I could be feeling this way for the next month or longer. (You know, dealing with all of these contractions and aches and pains...) So it's time to sit back, be patient, and WAIT.

In the words of Inigo Montoya (from Princess Bride) "I HATE WAITING."

P.S. Don't hate me b/c this is baby #4 and I have NO stretch marks.... knock on wood. Haha! I thank my mother for her beautiful, elastic skin! And the fact that I basically do a daily rub down of lotion after my shower... done it since I was 12 yrs old! =)


Susan said...

Love the belly pics!! I sure hope he comes soon, for your sake! Hang in there... you're almost done! :)

Ashleigh said...

I don't hate you for your lack of stretch marks! Good for you! Your tummy is cute, I can't wait to meet the CUTE baby inside! Hopefully soon :)

The Woolley's said...

No, I hate you for your fabulous toned and tanned arms and legs! jk! You are one hot pregnant lady! Most pregnant women think they look awful, but that's because they've seen themselves naked, but I really doubt you have that problem! Good luck!

ashley said...

your title says it all- my belly and me, cause it's not like it is really part of you even just a huge mass where your stomach used to me- well except that it totally is you. but not? ok, it made sense when i thought if first...

and how do you do lotion every day? it makes me so hot and sticky!

Ponczoch Family said...

Um, I'm hating;) I'm 29 weeks and my belly is a million times bigger. A month ago I was above my delivery weight with the 3 others. I was blaming it on being my 4th, but now what's my excuse? Haha. But really I'm just jealous, not hating.

kelsey said...

You look so good!!! No hate here either, just a bit of jealously...well, alot of jealously. :)

Leisa Tapia said...

Dude- you look awesome!! you're like super buff with a baby in your belly- love it! so rad :)

Jaliz & Chelsea said...

Whoa baby mama! lol
That's quite a belly ya got there :P
Feelin' excited for ya.. 2 girls and soon..
2 boys! AUUURRIIITTE! hehe

J and Chels

Emily Baldwin said...

WOW. I love that you put the picture on your blog. :) Me...never. You...darling.

Courtney said...

sexy mama....

Jenni said...

Chandra you must be sportin' a bikini at the beach, your belly is so tan! You look soo good! And I am jealous because I did get the stretch marks - my Doc said no matter how much lotion you put on there, if it's in your genes, you will get them and I did, only with Reef though. Darn it.
Your kids are soooo cute. :)

Tamara said...

First of all - one of my laurels name is Hevynn Heimuli - and she went to that same elementry school once upon a time too - and has relatives there- so I'm wondering if she's related to the teacher? What is the first name and I'll ask! Second - Inigo said "I hate wait". You gotta watch it again sis! ha ha. And also - so not fair that she's in Kindergarten and Ethan (turning 6 on Friday) is also barely in Kindergarten. Sooo weird. Love you. Miss you.