

How could I leave off these three pictures from my last post? Danielle was a lucky girl to have her birthday stretch for two days-- who am I kidding? That's pretty normal for our family. Just ask Ryan.

I made a chocolate cake with a vanilla icing that I colored lime green (Dani's favorite color.) I thought I would spice it up and add a Barbie doll for kicks. Her arms are raised, celebrating Dani entering her 20's!!
Gabriella was SUPER excited to play with the doll after the candles were blown out. She couldn't stop talking about it! Poor Barbie- her hair kept singeing and basically melting... quick, blow out the candles!!
Danielle warned us that blowing out candles was NOT her forte. It took her three tries to get all 20 candles out. =) Gabriella is giving her moral support. Haha!
Happy Birthday Danielle! We love you!

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