
Christmas Eve

I thought I'd begin with the before and after tree shots, just because it's fun :)

Now let's really begin! For Christmas Eve we decided to invite three families over to be each other's "family" as we were away from our loved ones this season. There were nine children in our home which I decided was PLENTY to do the nativity...
So a few of us dressed them up and attempted the (nearly) impossible-
since six of the children were 3 yrs and younger :)
Here are Mary and Joseph with baby Jesus...
and of course the angel... (while Ryan reads Luke 2 on his iPhone)
what a funny combination of past and present.
Then sprinkle in a few shepherds and wise men...
singing their praises, or laughing, or crying as some were...
and there you have it! The FOUR minute Nativity!
After that we decorated some cookies and visited some more... but then it was time for all to go home and do their own traditions in preparation for Santa to come visit.

Now it's just us, and the kids are getting excited to open their one gift from mommy & daddy. Bet ya can't guess what it is... :)
...and there you have it. Exciting isn't it? He sure was- the little ingrate!
Ahh aren't they cute? All ready for Santa!!
Ta- Da! Everyone dressed and ready!
My little charmer- and it's off to bed with them all!
Don't know why this is underlining now and I can't stop it! Anyhow, then Santa's little helpers came to help get things ready for Christmas morning. Which, by the way, was wonderful!!
Isn't everyone doing such a great job?
Ahhh all done! Time for bed :)


Mike & Aubrey Janowicz said...

I love that you guys still did the nativity even though the kids are so young! too cute! yay for Christmas Eve pjs!

Tamara said...

You better hope Hunter doesn't see this post for a while or he'll figure Santa out! hee hee!