

Tonight we walked the 30 seconds it takes to get to our local beach for Family Home Evening.

Normally we stay home and do a lesson out of this great little book called "52 Weeks of Family Night" I'm new to this "adding a link thing" so instead of having it all fancified and saying "click here" with it being the link, just click on the dang link below! Anyway, it's a FAB book and we've used it for about two years with our kids!

So this is our beach in Hau'ula...
Isn't it beautiful? It's about 6pm and the tide is SUPER low!
We wanted to spend the evening enjoying God's creations as a family
Don't worry, we didn't leave River at home :)
These are the times we appreciate with our children
And they appreciate the outings as well
You know the story of The Giving Tree? This is the Swinging Tree...
I love these two blue eyed babes...
And they love one another. I'm thinking they will be best friends like another couple of cuties I know...
These two!
What's under that rock Hunter??
A tiny shrimp of course!!
Hunter is the fastest kid I know when it comes to catching anything that moves :) In fact that cut on his hand is from the other day at the beach when he was tearing the bark off an old tree stump in order to catch a green gecko. He caught it.
Well done, son! We teach our children that nature belongs in its own element so it can survive. Hence, we don't allow things like this to come home with us- it would just die, and who are we to give it a life sentence? So after admiring it, he returned it to its home :)
Goodnight beach. Until tomorrow when we see the glorious sun peek over the edge of your horizon. We feel so blessed to live here at this time when our children can experience and appreciate our beautiful world God created.

This is truly paradise.
Whenever I hear the song of a bird, or look at the blue, blue sky.
Whenever I feel the rain on my face, or the wind as it rushes by.
Whenever I touch a velvet rose, or walk by a lilac tree,
I'm glad that I live in this beautiful world- Heavenly Father created for me.


ashley said...


ours.... lecture on "freaking listen to your parents!" ;)

Brett, Cassie, Taylor & Jack said...

So cute Chandra! I got teary eyed reading that song at the end, that is one of my favorite songs.we really are so lucky to live here and I need to be reminded of that sometimes so thanks for the reminder!

Leslie said...

awesome photos Cee...

love you.

Mike & Aubrey Janowicz said...

So beautiful! I love that primary song!

Bianca said...

Thats such a nice post, makes me look forward to having FHE with a house full of lil kiddies. Your such an awesome mum!

emily said...

Beautiful thoughts & pictures!