
The Craft

For those of you who really know me- you know that I'm soooooo NOT crafty. But for Gabriella's birthday I was inspired to do something out of the ordinary.

I'm sure it's because I'm surrounded by some of the most talented and crafty women I've ever known on this little rock of an island- and EVERY birthday party my children go to, there seems to be some awesome craft! So yes, I was feeling the pressure. Well, I succumbed.

And this, my friends was the result...
The idea here was to make a crown for our "Pin The Crown on The Princess" game
The pictures are self-explanatory. :)
I was feeling pretty brilliant as I made up all of this stuff!
I made about 12 of these...
And then let the kids decorate them! Ta-da!
See, I can be crafty. ;)


The Woolley's said...

Way to go!! Never ask me to be creative, too much of a stress.

Melissa said...

that is a great idea! you ARE crafty! :)

Mike & Aubrey Janowicz said...

what a fun idea! that's cool that the kids decorated them!