
Mainland Trip Part Seven: Estes Park

On Thursday, June 16th we went up to Estes Park to spend the day in the mountains. We always love going there as a family and exploring the little (easy) hiking trails in Rocky Mountain National Park. And we always top it off with a trip through the historic town and visit their candy shops :)
This was the highlight!
We went with Ryan's family- even his G'pa and step G'ma were in town!
I'm having a complete metal block about the name of this hike!
And this one! Both they were both gorgeous :)
They love their daddy!
Awww :)
Soooo picturesque!
Ryan and I ALWAYS go into this same shoe store every time we go to Estes Park. They have great shoes and normally we end up with a great bargain! Anyhow, this day they had some mustaches by the register that we could have (I noticed when I was buying some shoes!) And we had tons of fun- not to mention some good laughs...
Mmmm lovely!
Funny kid :)
We were getting ready to go swimming and look what we found in the car as we were loading up? Cali wanted to come along for the ride- she knew she was about to miss a good time!
Sorry Cali, maybe next time :)

1 comment:

Courtney said...

I know exactly the shoe store you are referring too! I also always go there...I love their selection! Looks like you guys had a good time while here.

Miss you. Hope you are happy and well!
